See Something, Say Something
One of the most powerful things we can do for other people is to give feedback. Unsolicited, unexpected, positive feedback, is especially impactful. It can also be especially challenging to give.
Your Website and Your Minimum Viable Product
You've heard the concept before, right? The minimum viable product is the best product required to go to market. It's by far not perfect. It's not the best you can do. It's the bare minimum required to start getting your stuff out there. The concept applies to more than just products and services. It can apply to your website, too.
The Artist as Entrepreneur: Two Questions to Help Build Your Path
I have this theory that artists and entrepreneurs are one-in-the-same. Entrepreneurs seem to recognize this. But a lot of artists seem to be so steeped in their art that they aren't likening themselves to entrepreneurs and so aren't learning from the trails successful entrepreneurs have already blazed.
Three Steps to Better Blogging
Your blog is the hub of your marketing strategy. It's central to building your tribe. So blogging with focus and purpose is pretty powerful. But no fear - here are three steps to get you on your way to better blogging
Five Things I've Learned From FastCo's 2016 Most Creative People in Business
Have you seen FastCo's list of 2016's Most Creative People in Business? Here are a few things I've noticed about these 100 people doing amazing things:
Careful There...The Authenticity is in the Details
What can a chick flick teach us about authenticity in marketing? Crafting marketing that feels authentic to your intended audience personas is tricky business. Your key messages (or plot points) might be right on point, but if your voice or tactics are at all off, you might hit some friction.
Harnessing the Power of Empathy in Marketing
The most effective marketers -- and leaders -- tap equally into both cognitive and affective empathy to create brand stories that resonate with what their audiences believe in.
Your Blog, Your Social Media Strategy, and the Hub-and-Spokes Content Marketing Strategy Model
Imagine your marketing strategy as a hub-and-spokes model. Then imagine your blog as the hub. You're on your way to a robust social strategy. It's as simple as 1-2-3.