She Says What I’m Thinking
This story is about that moment. That moment when you hear {or read} someone saying what you’ve been ‘thinking and feeling and experiencing.’ That moment is where real marketing happens. Because it’s not marketing.
The secret to making marketing that works for you is…it’s not about you.
Content Marketing: The State of Social 2016 and What's to Come
Buffer has just released its latest research report, The State of Social 2016. As we all hustle to get a jump on 2017, here's my take on the data
4 Awesome and Free Keyword Research Tools
OK. You want to get more people peeking at your content. So you need to use the keywords that are most relevant to your content, most commonly used by your audiences, and ideally that have the least amount of competition vying for those coveted spots on the first page of search engine results. What do you do?
4 Conditions for Getting Your Stuff Shared
There’s an endless sea of content out there. People share content to meet their own human needs. And they'll only pick your content to share if your band meets these four requirements. Even if your content that feeds their needs
Sponsored Content: Two Approaches to a (Potentially) Sticky Wicket
Sponsored content can get a bad rap. Not those Squarespace ads heard on every single podcast ever. Or the Living Proof ads heard over and over on Modern Love.But podcasts that are fully created and funded by advertisers. Let's look at two examples with very different executions
Before You Blog: What Are You Writing About?
I used to think about all marketing content in the terms of micro-decisions. But lately, I've been thinking in much broader terms: what change am I seeking to inspire in the reader?
Your Blog, Your Social Media Strategy, and the Hub-and-Spokes Content Marketing Strategy Model
Imagine your marketing strategy as a hub-and-spokes model. Then imagine your blog as the hub. You're on your way to a robust social strategy. It's as simple as 1-2-3.
I Need to Create a Website. Where Do I Start?
Quick. Grab a pen and paper. Step away from the computer. Answer these four questions, in your own handwriting, and you're on your way to creating your website.