On being the answer to life, the universe, and everything
Today, I am the answer to life, the universe, and everything. At least, my age is.
BookSmart: The Girl With the Lower Back Tattoo
Amy Schumer might not be for everyone (no one who creates art that's worthwhile creates something that's for everyone). But she is a smart, driven, honest, and brave woman in charge of something she built. And she's got a few thinks worthwhile for women, artists, leaders, and entrepreneurs.
#BookSmart: Girlboss
Looking for some entrepreneurial inspiration? Look no further than marketer, mogul, fashionista, original #gilrboss, Sofia Amoruso.
How Writing Makes You Better at Your Job
When you write, you'll find that you're not only creating useful content that your audience can learn from. You're also learning from yourself. So write as you work. It'll make you better at whatever you do. Whether you publish to a blog or keep it to yourself.
Post-It Note Productivity
I tend to create to-do lists that are not doable. The kinds of lists that include everything under the sun that must be done for the house and the kids and the job and the everything. And then the day is over and the things aren't done and it's crushing
See Something, Say Something
One of the most powerful things we can do for other people is to give feedback. Unsolicited, unexpected, positive feedback, is especially impactful. It can also be especially challenging to give.
Five Things I've Learned From FastCo's 2016 Most Creative People in Business
Have you seen FastCo's list of 2016's Most Creative People in Business? Here are a few things I've noticed about these 100 people doing amazing things:
Marketing is Leadership is Trust
Marketing is the practice of leading a person to make new choices, to become something new by choosing the promise you offer them. Leadership is the practice of making people feel safe so that they might trust you