You've Written a Book. Now You Need a Tribe to Read It.
Getting a book published these days is a lot different than it used to be. With the rise of blogs and social media, before you release your book, you've got to build an audience. OK. Ready now? Sure - go build your own website. Start a blog. Start a movement. Publish a book. Easy-peasy, right? Of course not. Here are some tips for being a blogger-turned-author from some of the best in the business.
Talking About Your Work...Like a Human
I tend to talk about marketing like a marketer. A marketer talking to marketers. Have you had this experience? Your work is relevant to people who don't do your work. But when you talk about your work, you talk like a jargon-bot and not like a human. So a lot of humans can't connect with it, even if it might benefit their work.
How Writing Makes You Better at Your Job
When you write, you'll find that you're not only creating useful content that your audience can learn from. You're also learning from yourself. So write as you work. It'll make you better at whatever you do. Whether you publish to a blog or keep it to yourself.
Post-It Note Productivity
I tend to create to-do lists that are not doable. The kinds of lists that include everything under the sun that must be done for the house and the kids and the job and the everything. And then the day is over and the things aren't done and it's crushing
4 Awesome and Free Keyword Research Tools
OK. You want to get more people peeking at your content. So you need to use the keywords that are most relevant to your content, most commonly used by your audiences, and ideally that have the least amount of competition vying for those coveted spots on the first page of search engine results. What do you do?
To Rent a List or Not to Rent a List: Getting Real About Outbound Email
Small businesses, start-ups, mid-sized companies, and even enterprise-level organization all face this question at some point (or again and again at different stages of their growth): should we assign any of our limited budget towards paying someone for email addresses
4 Conditions for Getting Your Stuff Shared
There’s an endless sea of content out there. People share content to meet their own human needs. And they'll only pick your content to share if your band meets these four requirements. Even if your content that feeds their needs