This Won't Work
When we say, "this won't work," we shut progress down. As much as, "This might not work," creates space, "this won't work" shuts us down
Resilience: Bouncing Back from Failure and Wrestling Emotion Out of the Driver’s Seat
Building up resilience, building up our tolerance for failure, allows us to choose to be vulnerable and authentic. It’s what allows us to say something in that meeting; to question assumptions; to inspire the team to try something new; invest ourselves in a mission or even in another person
Vulnerability: Our Best Measure of Courage
Authenticity. Vulnerability. Resilience. I believe these are the pillars of leadership at work, that they’re deeply important to our lives today, and that they’re inextricably interconnected. If we want to lead, or if we want lead fully realized lives, we have to embrace these concepts
Welcome to Holacracy: The Choose-Your-Own-Adventure Workplace
In contrast to what you may have heard, holacracy is not anarchy and it’s not really “bossless.” It’s an organizational structure based on the work, not the people. It’s grown as a response to the theory that that if productivity in companies tends to go down as the employee count goes up, empowering every employee with some form of decision-making reverses this trend – largely because the top-down bottleneck of approvals is avoided