How to Do Hashtag Research + Rock Your Social Media Marketing
Hashtags are not dead. Here’s how, in just a few minutes, you can do a bit of research and incorporate helpful hashtags into your social media marketing strategy.
What’s the Difference Between Your LinkedIn Personal Page and Company Page
Yes, the obvious here is that LinkedIn personal pages are for persons and LinkedIn company pages are for companies. But there are differences in what you can do with the two types of pages. And while everyone interested in marketing a b2b business should understand the key differences, this is especially important for solopreneurs.
Your Band on Facebook:How many times a week should you post stuff?
People will not flock to your band’s Facebook page simply because it’s there. You have to lead them there. And that means posting stuff to Facebook via your page. Which means figuring out two things: what to post, and how frequently to post it.
17 Bands With Super Awesome Facebook Pages
Facebook is pretty much every band’s ultimate marketing superpower. Are you using your FB band page for good? Could you maybe could be doing things even better? If you want more fans, more Likes, more people finding you, more people at your shows, more people hearing your music, or more people buying your merch, read on.
How Frequently Should I Post to Facebook?
When you post just twice a day, are you leaving attention on the table? Are you ceding your audience to the other brands you're competing with for time and attention? And...does how frequently you post to Facebook even matter anymore