Be more confident about your marketing choices. Really.
The hardest part about marketing isn’t the doing. It’s the deciding. Being confident about what you’ve decided to do. Not being weighed down by this nagging worry that you’re not doing it right.
You can get to the bottom of these worries. And you can be more confident about your marketing choices. Really.
Why Don't People know what you do?
You've written all these words about what you do. Words all over the place -- your website, your emails, your blogs...You try to tell people in real life, too. -- at events, on the phone, even at home. You talk and talk and talk.
And still, people don't get it. What's with all these people? It's not them, my friends. It's you.
Here's what to do.
Always Be Delighting
Today, it's all about delighting people. Not selling them. No more "Always Be Closing." No. More. Meet your new mantra. Always Be Delighting.
A New Era in Small Business Marketing is Here
Most people think there are three ways to do their marketing. Hire freelancers, do it yourself, or hire an agency. What if there was another way?